If you’re starting up or relocating to an Enterprise Zone, you’ll qualify for enterprise zone business rate relief. You must start up or relocate by April 2015. The local council works out how the business rate relief is applied. You can get up to 100% business rate relief for 5 years, up to a maximum of £275,000. You can contact the named enterprise zone area or local council to find out how to apply.
Where you can find your nearest named enterprise zone in England:
- Black Country i54 and Darlaston
- Cornwall and Isles of Scilly – Newquay Aerohub
- D2N2 (Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire)
- Greater Birmingham and Solihull City Centre
- Greater Cambridge and Greater Peterborough – Alconbury Airfield
- Greater Manchester Airport
- Humber Estuary Renewable Energy Super Cluster and Green Port Corridor
- Humber Green Port Corridor
- Lancashire
- Leeds Lower Aire Valley
- Leicester and Leicestershire Mira Technology Park
- Liverpool Daresbury Science Campus
- Liverpool Mersey Waters
- London Royal Docks
- New Anglia Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft
- North Eastern River Tyne and Nissan Site
- Oxfordshire Science Vale UK
- Sheffield Modern Manufacturing and Technology Growth Area
- Solent Daedalus Airfield
- South East Midlands Northampton Waterside
- South East Sandwich and Harlow
- Tees Valley
- The Marches, Hereford
- West of England Temple Quarter (Bristol).