IN Accountancy

Limited Company Accounting

Accountant meeting with client, smiling

Not all limited company accountants are the same.

IN Accountancy offers a full Limited Company accountancy service to small to medium sized businesses.

We make Limited Company accountancy clear...

Let us handle the hassle and stress of complex tax and financial areas, so you can invest your valuable time growing and developing your business.

As the Director of your Limited Company, do you ever need to talk to your accountant urgently but you can't reach them?

You can reach us!

Limited Company Set Up

From setting up your new limited company and ensuring it is structured in the most appropriate way for you to take advantage of any tax planning strategies from the word go, to registering for your required tax services such as VAT, Corporation Tax and PAYE with HMRC, our Limited Company accountants set up services take the headache of getting started away.


VAT – ‘Value Added Tax’ or really a sales tax in simple terms. Businesses with a VAT-able turnover (sales) of more than £85,000 must register for VAT. Our team can help you complete and submit your quarterly or monthly VAT returns, ensuring this is done correctly and in a way that is compliant with HMRC legislation regarding Making Tax Digital.

Annual Accounts, Corporation Tax Returns and Confirmation Statements

As a limited company, you have a legal obligation to file your accounts with HMRC and Companies House every year, as well as submitting your annual confirmation statement and corporation tax returns. We will make sure this happens on time, every time.

Registered Office

Many limited company clients choose to use our address for their registered office. Not only does this keep their personal details off the public record, but it means that we receive copies of your correspondence from Companies House and HMRC.


Paying your employees the right amount at the right time, every time, is one of the most important jobs of a company director. 

By outsourcing your payroll to us you can sleep easy knowing everything is in safe hands with our expertise in limited company accounting.


In order for you to have relevant and timely financial information about your business, you need up to date and accurate bookkeeping. If this isn’t something you want to do in-house, our expert team is here to help.

A high standard of bookkeeping helps reduce other fees, such as for completion and submission of your VAT returns and annual accounts.


IN Accountancy are a Xero Gold Champion Partner firm, and also have extensive knowledge and experience of other softwares, including but not exclusively, Quickbooks, Sage and FreeAgent.

We are happy to help you set your business up with the most appropriate software package for you, train you on how to use it, and identify and help implement applicable app integrations to save you time and make your processes more efficient.

Or, we can do it all for you – it’s completely your choice.

At IN Accountancy there are a few things which are really important to us:

Ultimately it comes down to just two words:  


About you, your business, our team, our business, the local community and the environment. 
We always strive to do our best, to improve that best and to go the extra mile. 

Honesty and integrity:

We do what we say we will do. Simple.

Attention to detail:

Something you should expect from your accountant!

Friendly and approachable:

We want you to feel at ease and well looked after – no such thing as a silly question.

Proactive and responsive:

We understand how important communication is to you, and will always respond to you quickly.

Keeping it simple:

We take a no-jargon approach and aim to help you understand the numbers that really matter in your business.


Our philosophy is to strive for continuous improvement and empowerment for all.

Sectors and Services

Personal Accounting

Business Accounting


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Limited Companies

Maximise Your Tax-Free Savings Interest Income: UK Guide for 2024

Over the last year UK savers have finally been in a position to earn some interest on their savings, but how is interest income taxed, and how can you maximise the tax free element of what you receive? 🤔
If you meet certain criteria or have flexibility in how you structure your income, then you can potentially enjoy up to £18,570 of your income completely tax-free!! 🥳

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time to pay arrangement
Limited Companies

Time to Pay Arrangements: A Lifeline for Owner-Managed Businesses

Are You Struggling to Meet Your Tax Obligations?

More than 30,000 UK businesses were involved in some kind of insolvency action in 2023, which was an increase of more than 50% compared with 2021 according to an article in the Guardian earlier this year.

And the economic outlook would suggest that despite the fact that we are no longer in recession, 2024 and 2025 will be a challenging year for UK small business.

With this in mind we have prepared the following guide and associated video to help you understand what your options are with regards to agreeing what is known as a ‘Time to Pay’ arrangement with HMRC.

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  • Should I be paid with salary or dividends?

    There are numerous factors that determine the most tax-efficient option to remunerate yourself via a limited company. Contact IN-Accountancy to arrange a consultation to discuss your personal circumstances.

  • Buy a property via my Ltd co or should it be private?

    There are numerous factors that determine the most tax-efficient option for purchasing a property. Contact IN-Accountancy to arrange a consultation to discuss your personal circumstances.

  • Can I buy electric vehicle through my limited company

    Yes, if an electric vehicle is purchased through a limited company, this will result in a Benefit in Kind, which is calculated as a percentage of the list price of the vehicle. The ‘cash equivalent’ of the benefit will be taxed on the individual as earned income, and the company will also be liable for Class 1A National Insurance on the benefit. The benefit must be reported to HMRC annually by 6 July.

  • Buy a property via my Ltd co or should it be private?

     There are numerous factors that determine the most tax efficient option for purchasing a property. Contact IN-Accountancy to arrange a consultation to discuss your personal circumstances.

  • Can I make my spouse a shareholder?

    Yes, it is possible to transfer shares to your spouse/civil partner or adult children. Contact IN-Accountancy to arrange a consultation to discuss your personal circumstances.

  • Do I need a shareholder’s agreement?

    IN Accountancy strongly recommend that legal advice is sought by every Limited Company to put a shareholders agreement in place.

