Stockport, Trafford and Cheshire East Local and National Support Grants

Local and National Support Grants

Applications for local and national support grants are now open for Stockport and Trafford based businesses who were forced to close due to the Tier 3 restrictions which came into force prior to the current National lockdown.

For the detailed information on local and national support grants below, I have used the basis of the Stockport authority’s communication as it is by far the best written and most clearly articulated of the three local authorities I have looked at for you.

Therefore, please note all the text below, from the section headed ‘Applying for the Local Restrictions Support Grant’ is lifted directly from the Stockport Local Authority website.

As ever, please do not hesitate to CONTACT US should you have any questions.

You can find a link to the Stockport Local Authority webpage for the original article here:

Or you can apply for the local restrictions support grant scheme here:

If you were forced to close due to National rather than Local restrictions, then follow this link for more info and to apply:

Other Local Authorities – Local and National Support Grants

Cheshire East Council

Cheshire East Council has published its information and support regarding businesses forced to close, or who have seen a fall in demand and need support due to the National lockdown.

They have yet to develop their application forms for local businesses to apply for the support, but you can keep an eye on the appropriate webpage here, as we would expect details to be announced shortly:

Trafford Council

After much digging, I have found the very well hidden page on Trafford Council’s website regarding support for businesses forced to close due to either Local or National restrictions.

You can find full details of the grant, and who is impacted by the National Restrictions here:

And you can apply for a local restrictions support grant if you are based in Trafford here:

Applying for the Local Restrictions Support Grant

If your business closed because of Tier 3 restrictions, you will continue to receive payments during the national restrictions if your business is still closed.

This information is based on government guidance and may be subject to change.

Businesses that were required to close from 23 October 2020 under local Tier 3 restrictions are eligible to receive funding until the start of national restrictions on 5 November 2020.

Businesses will receive grant funding in 2 week payment cycles starting from 23 October 2020. Businesses must be closed for the whole of the 2 week payment cycle to be eligible.

Eligible businesses

Only businesses that appear on the rating list and are liable for business rates with a registered ratepayer are eligible.

Businesses that are required to close under Tier 3 restrictions were:

  • pubs and bars that are not serving substantial meals. This means meals served at a table or counter as a main course or main midday or evening meal
  • casinos
  • bingo halls
  • betting shops
  • adult gaming centres
  • soft play centres and areas

Businesses such as sports facilities that are required to remain open for disabled sports, but would otherwise be closed, will be eligible for this funding.

How much businesses will receive

Businesses occupying premises with a rateable value of £15,000 or under on the commencement date of local restrictions will receive a payment of £667 per 14 day restriction period.

Businesses occupying premises with a rateable value over £15,000 and less than £51,000 on the commencement date of local restrictions will receive a payment of £1,000 per 14 day restriction period.

Businesses occupying premises with a rateable value of £51,000 or above on the commencement date of local restrictions will receive a payment of £1,500 per 14 day restriction period.

The payment that businesses will receive will be equivalent to the number of days that the business was closed.

Any changes to the rateable value or to the premises after 23 October, including changes which have been backdated to this date, will be ignored for the purposes of eligibility. Businesses are responsible for informing the council if their circumstances change, or if they become ineligible for the grant, for example if the business becomes insolvent.

Subject to State Aid limits, businesses will be entitled to receive a grant for each eligible premises within the restriction area. Some businesses may receive more than one grant where they have more than one eligible premises.

If your claim is successful you’ll be paid automatically for each period, so you should not have to keep submitting claims.


Grant income received by a business is taxable. Businesses will need to include the Local Restrictions Support Grant as income on their tax return.

Only businesses that make an overall profit, including grant income will be subject to tax.

Businesses that are not eligible

Businesses that closed after 23 October 2020 will not be eligible for this grant but will be eligible for the Local Restrictions Support Grant for national restrictions.

Businesses that are not eligible include:

  • businesses subject to local restrictions that are implemented for less than two weeks
  • businesses that are closed for less than two weeks
  • businesses that are able to continue to trade because they do not depend on providing direct in-person services and can operate remotely
  • businesses who have chosen to close but have not been required to close
  • businesses that have already received grant payments that equal the maximum level of State Aid permitted under the de minimis and The COVID-19 Temporary State Aid Framework
  • businesses that are in administration, are insolvent or where striking off notice has been made at the date of the local lockdown

Who will receive the funding

The person who according to the council’s records was the Business Rates payer for the premises on 23 October 2020 will receive the grant.

If we have reason to believe that the information we hold about the Business Rates payer on 23 October 2020 is not accurate, then we may withhold or recover the grant and we’ll take reasonable steps to identify the correct ratepayer.

We’ll recover any grants that are paid to a business who was not the Business Rates payer on 23 October 2020.

If the application is unsuccessful

If the application is unsuccessful, businesses will receive an email with information about the next steps. Businesses that are unsuccessful can appeal.

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