Your Guide to Remuneration Planning and Tax Efficient Income Extraction

IN-Accountancy Self-Assessment Tax Return Deadline

Increasingly we are seeing business owners having to back out of complex avoidance schemes, in favour of decent and transparent tax planning. 

At IN-Accountancy, we believe in being a ‘safe pair of hands’ for our clients – offering them the best possible advice on how to extract maximum income from their business and pay the least amount of tax possible, while staying firmly on the right side of the law.

Please have a read of the linked document which highlights just how big a difference excellent remuneration planning advice can make to the owners of a small business, and how we helped one of our clients take home an additional £14,000 income at almost no additional cost to the business.


If you would like us to review your existing remuneration strategy, please do not hesitate to give us a call on 0161 456 9666, or drop us a line at [email protected] and as always we will be happy to help.  


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