New website to help charities tackle fraud

The Charity Commission for England and Wales, together with members of the Charity Sector Counter Fraud Group, have launched a new website to help charities tackle fraud. The website is designed to provide guidance for trustees, staff and volunteers who want more information on tackling fraud in their charity, and includes guidance, tips and case studies, together with links to other organisations tackling charity fraud.

The new website has been launched to mark the start of Charity Fraud Awareness Week (24-28 October). The campaign reminds charities how to limit their fraud risk and aims to ensure that trustees and charity staff can recognise the warning signs of fraud and offers advice on an effective and proportionate response.

David Kirk, Chairman of the Fraud Advisory Panel, commented:

‘Fraud presents a serious threat to every organisation but unfortunately charities can be particularly vulnerable due to the high number of financial transactions they undertake. Fraud can manifest itself in many different forms and is constantly evolving – which is why we are urging everyone working with charities and not-for-profit organisations to join together and stop fraud against charities. Charity staff and trustees must stay alert to the risks and understand how to manage them.’

Stockport Accountants, IN-Accountancy are long standing supporters of Francis house. For every referral, we donate £50 to Francis House Hospice when we are engaged to provide services. The hospice cares for children and young adults with a short life expectancy. They need over £3.6 million in charitable donations each year to continue to provide their services.

All you need to do is pass the contact details of your friend, colleague or family member by ringing 0161 456 9666 or email [email protected]. Please let your contact know to expect a call. We will take care of the rest. There is no limit to the number of people you can refer to us. We will make a donation for each and every new introduction upon our appointment.

Internet links: GOV.UK news

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