Congratulating Kathryn!

Congratulating Kathryn

Big shout out to Kathryn who was invited to attend a ceremony in the Houses of Parliament last week in celebration of achieving her ATT (Association of Accounting Technicians) qualification.

Kathryn has an incredible work ethic, having studied continuously since joining us in 2012 and balancing her work and studies with bringing up two amazing children, not to mention having also taken up running in recent years.  And it doesn’t stop there – having achieved her AAT and ATT, Kathryn now embarks on her journey to Chartered Tax Advisor status.

Those of you who have spoken with Kathryn will realise that this wasn’t so much an Englishman in New York, rather an American in London… Kathryn was born in the UK and raised in Utah, relocating back to the UK with her children in 2010. About her experience in London Kathryn said “it was a really amazing experience, and knowing very little about British political history I found it particularly interesting – I felt honoured to be given a tour of parts of Westminster that the general public don’t have access to.”

I am sure you will all join us in congratulating Kathryn on her latest success and wishing her well for her CTA journey.

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