Stockport Accountants IN Accountancy celebrate 5 Years

Stockport based accountancy firm, IN Accountancy turns five!

Even though it was pretty miserable last Tuesday – cold and dark, with sleet falling all round, the IN Team were delighted with how many of our friends and clients still managed to come out in force from Stockport, Manchester and beyond to help IN Accountancy celebrate their 5th birthday!

Guests flocked to Mercato in Bramhall where the Prosecco was flowing, and local Stockport businesses came together to catch up with old friends and make new connections.

IN Accountancy held the event to celebrate their fifth year of business, and to take the opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has supported their rapid growth over this time, both team members, clients, old and new, and other local business who help them look after their clients so well.

Director, Sarah Harkness said: ‘I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has supported us over the past five years. The business has gone from strength to strength and we have no plan on slowing down.

The amazing turnout and support from everyone – whether in terms of event organisation or the incredibly generous raffle prize donations – is a credit to all involved and reflects I think, how well thought of our team are by our clients and partners. Huge thanks also to all the team who work so hard to make not just this event, but our business the success that it has been to date.’

The atmosphere was busy and buzzing as magician Ian Lavin blew our minds with his sleight of hand, and we grazed on the delicious Italian style tapas. Amidst the madness, raffle tickets were being sold for a wide range of prizes with all the proceeds going to IN Accountancy’s chosen charity, Francis House Children’s Hospice.

After Sarah said a few words, Francis House’s Kate Puc spoke about the charity and proceeded to pick out a selection of winners to take home some wonderful prizes!

Sarah said: “When we first asked for donations we had no idea how many amazing prizes we would end up with! Everyone’s generosity was overwhelming for us and we can’t thank all the donors enough for their amazing gifts.”

With thanks to: Analysis Legal, Leonard Curtis Business Solutions and Maguire Family Law, Compass Risk Solutions for their generous donations of wine and champagne, to Blue Tree Interiors for their voucher and goody bag, to Blushing Beauty, Mercato, Eve Writing Services, Chelsea Shoesmith Photography, Cullen Wealth and Autoworx Motors for amazing vouchers, to I Love Bramhall and Susie Blues for the sumptuous goody bags and last but certainly not least The Real Party Company and IN Accountancy for the delicious hampers.  We had some very happy winners.

The total raised for Francis House Children’s Hospice was an outstanding £475!

Once again, the IN Accountancy team would like to thank everyone who came along to celebrate, donate raffle prizes and purchase tickets (and not forgetting a special mention to Mercato for hosting and The Real Party Company for their branded sweetie cone goody bags which we can safely say went down a treat!). The event was a huge success and to make things even better, there has been enough birthday cake left over to keep the office going all week!

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