Home Based Stockport Businesses – £2,000 Grant Opportunity

Business Grant

Deadline of 7 August for home based Stockport businesses to apply for a £2000 discretionary business grant from the local authority 

This is only relevant for you if you have not yet been able to take advantage of any of the small business grants previously available, such as the Self Employed Income Support Grant, the Small Business Grant, the Retail and Hospitality Grants, or any previous Phase of Local Authority Discretionary Grants.

If you are a Stockport based small business owner, even if you are based from a home office or have very low fixed overheads, the Stockport Local Authority Discretionary Grants are now entering a 4th Phase, whereby they are making available a £2,000 grant for the smallest of businesses who have missed out on other funding opportunities thus far.

To qualify you must be:

  • home based or self-employed
  • fixed property costs below the £250 per month de minimis level set for earlier phases of the discretionary grant scheme
  • have not had access to any other financial support linked to Covid-19
  • have had a reduction in income due to Covid-19

Applicants for the fixed grant of £2,000 must complete a declaration to say that their income has been reduced as a result of the impact of Covid-19 and provide bank statements supporting this.

This tranche of funding will be made available on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED basis, so do be sure to provide the supporting evidence of loss of income requested.  

You will need the following if applicable:

  • your VAT registration number
  • your landlord or letting agent’s contact information
  • when you first occupied the property
  • the size of the space of the property
  • the days and times that you use the property
  • information about the costs related to the business
  • if you’ve received any other financial help due to coronavirus
  • how much you pay in business rates per year (if anything) and your business rates account number (if you have one)

Deadline of 7 August for applications, but I wouldn’t wait that long – as the old TV ads used to say ‘Once it’s gone, it’s gone’!!

Here is the link for more info:


And here is the specific link for Phase 4 applications:


And of course, as always, please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any questions whatsoever.

Very best wishes
Sarah x

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